Get started with your driver's license

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To get the driver's license in Norway, you have to go through several mandatory courses and at the same time take driving lessons and practice your driving skills privatly. The training model consists of four steps you must go through before you can take the practical test. Here you can see all the steps and which mandatory lessons belong to each step.

Ready to hit the roads of Norway? Before you can get behind the wheel and start exploring, there are a few necessary steps. You'll need to pass four steps of training plus driving practice to complete this journey - check out all the must-know details here!

Not from around these parts? No worries – we've got foreign driver's license info covered too - Take a look at this article.
Step 1
Course in basic road traffic knowledge

Before you can start practice-driving, you must go through step 1, basic traffic course. In this course, you will not drive a car, but get to know the theory of driving a car. It is about understanding risks and how the traffic system works.

If you are under 25 years old you must have the Driving in the dark course to be able to practice your driving skills in the period November 1st to March 15th.After completing step 1, you will receive a certificate stating that you have a permit to practice-driving.

If you are over 25 years old, you do not need the basic traffic course (theory).

Step 2
Basic training

Your goal on this step is to have such good driving skills that attention can be shifted from your own vehicle to the traffic picture and interaction with other drivers. When you meet the requirements for this step, you complete the End -of-step 2 Assessment course and move on to Step 3.

Step 3
Road traffic training

In this step you will learn to master the traffic in interaction with others. You learn to be able to see and understand the traffic system as a whole, where you are an essential piece for good team play.

Step 4
Final Driving

In this step, you learn to take responsibility for others, so that accidents are avoided. When this step is completed, the only thing that remains is the practical driving test!

Practical driving test
Congratulations - only one item left!

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