Driver's license category B

4.1.1. Risks involved in driving

Lesson 90 min
This is the first lesson in step 4, and is a lesson over 90 minutes in the classroom where you discuss various aspects of driving risk. You're going to propose, discuss and decide on effective measures to counteract these.
What you should know
  1. know the course's goals and organization and put into words your own expectations and goals discuss the concept of driving ability
  2. know the distribution of the most serious accidents in relation to age, sex and time
  3. discuss the causes of the most common and serious youth accidents and propose and discuss effective measures to counteract these
  4. identify and describe possible risk factors in a given traffic situation, explain what the risk consists of and select, describe and discuss for a desired behavior
  5. discuss how you influence and are influenced by others and be aware of your personal driving style with regard to risk and the environment
The lesson takes place in the classroom. Bring the notes from the safety course on track and meet precisely!

You should also start planning the trip you are completing 4.13 Final driving in traffic
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