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Our hubs

Kör in Oslo

Brobekkveien 80
Bygg A13
0582 Oslo

Use separate entrance on the back of the building

Kör in Lillestrøm

Business Lillestrøm
Storgata 7
2000 Lillestrøm
This location is used for basic traffic course and not usually staffed by Kör

Kör in Drammen

Schwartz gate 42
3043 Drammen

Kör in Tromsø

Romssa Arena
Stadionvegen 3
9007 Tromsø

Kör Trafikkskole, Ski / Nordre Follo

Ö Drømtorp
Glynitveien 25
1400 Ski

The office is usually not staffed by Kör
Our business registration numbers:

Kör AS with business registration number 823107242mva
Kör Trafikkskoler AS with business registration number 924527978